MD Properties are pleased to announce for the period 1st January 2019 to 21st October 2019 we are 1st out of 48 offices for the number of properties let. In fact 159 were let by MD during this period to make us the TOP agent in this area. Great credit must go to our team who go the extra mile to ensure your property is let. We must also thank our many landlords both existing and new who have had continuing confidence in MD Properties to get their properties let quickly and efficiently at a good market rent. No landlord wishes to have an empty property. We thank them for their positive feedback and look forward to being of service to them for many years to come. If you or someone you know has a property to let contact us today to see how we can help. We have currently special offers on for new and existing landlords and remember even if you’re currently with another agent it’s FREE to move to MD Properties!